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* = 通訊作者, # = 直接受潘博士指導的學生/研究生作者

Poon, K. T.*, Chan, R. S. W.#, & Lai, H. S.# (in press). Are rules made to be broken? Conspiracy exposure promotes aggressive behavior. Political PsychologyRead More (2022 Impact Factor 4.6 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Social)

Teng, F*., Wang, X*., Lei, Q., & Poon, K. T. (in press). Love me, because I rely on you: Dependency-oriented help-seeking as a strategy for human mating. Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyRead More (2022 Impact Factor 7.6 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Social)

Leung, A. N. M., Ho, H. C. Y.*, Hou, W. K., Poon, K. T., Kwan, J. L. Y., & Chan, Y. C. (in press). A one-year longitudinal study on workplace cyberbullying victimization, affective well-being, and work engagement of teachers: The mediating effect of cognitive reappraisal. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. Read More  (2022 Impact Factor 6.9 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Applied)

Poon, K. T*., & Wong, W. Y#. (2021). Stuck on the train of ruminative thoughts: The effect of aggressive fantasy on subjective well-being. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36, 6390-6410. Read More (2020 Impact Factor 6.144 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Applied)

Wang, X., Chen, Z*., Poon, K. T., & Jiang. T. (2021). Perceiving a lack of social justice: Lower-class individuals apply higher moral standards to others. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 186-193. Read More (2020 Impact Factor 4.451 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Social)

Poon, K. T*., & Jiang, Y#. (2020). Sexual objectification increases retaliatory aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 46, 291-304. Read More (2020 Impact Factor 2.917 | JCR Q2 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary)

Poon, K. T*., Chen, Z., Teng, F., & Wong, W. Y#. (2020). The effect of objectification on aggression. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 87, 103940. Read More (2019 Impact Factor 3.241 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Social)

Poon, K. T*. (2019). Do you reap what you sow? The effect of cyberostracism on moral impurity. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 41, 132-146. Read More (2019 Impact Factor 1.577 | JCR Q3 in Psychology, Social)

Poon, K. T*., & Wong, W. Y#. (2019). Turning a blind eye to potential costs: Ostracism increases aggressive tendency. Psychology of Violence, 9, 634-643. Read More (2018 Impact Factor 2.774 | JCR Q1 in Family Studies)

Poon, K. T*., & Teng, F. (2017). Feeling unrestricted by rules: Ostracism promotes aggressive responses. Aggressive Behavior, 43, 558-567. (Featured article) Read More (2016 Impact Factor 2.747 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary)

Wang, X., Chen, Z. *, Poon, K. T., Teng, F., & Jin, S. (2017). Self-compassion decreases acceptance of own immoral behaviors. Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 329-333. Read More (2016 Impact Factor 2.005 | JCR Q2 in Psychology, Social)

Poon, K. T*., Teng, F., Wong, W. Y#., & Chen, Z. (2016). When nature heals: Nature exposure moderates the relationship between ostracism and aggression. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 48, 159-168. Read More (2016 Impact Factor 3.494 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary)

Poon, K. T*., & Chen, Z. (2016). Assuring a sense of growth: A cognitive strategy to weaken the effect of cyber-ostracism on aggression. Computers in Human Behavior, 57, 31-37. Read More (2016 Impact Factor 3.435 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Experimental)

Poon, K. T*., & Chen, Z*. (2014). When justice surrenders: The effect of just-world beliefs on aggression following ostracism. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 52, 101-112. Read More (2014 Impact Factor 2.285 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Social)

Poon, K. T., Chen, Z*., & DeWall, C. N. (2013). Feeling entitled to more: Ostracism increases dishonest behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 1227-1239. Read More (2013 Impact Factor 2.515 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Social)

Chen, Z*., DeWall, C. N., Poon, K. T., & Chen, E. W. (2012). When destiny hurts: Implicit theories of relationships moderate aggressive responses to ostracism. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 1029-1036. Read More (2012 Impact Factor 2.219 | JCR Q1 in Psychology, Social)

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